Faculty Senate 2007-08

University of South Alabama
Faculty Senate
October 17, 2007
University Library, Rm.110

Approved Minutes

Present:         Aliabadi, Amare, Aucoin, Baggett, Britt, Brown, Bru, Burnham, Byrne, Carter, Crumb, Douglass, Engin, Estis,  Falkos, Fresne, Haas, Irion, Johnsten, I. Khan, Z. Khan, Li, Loomis, Meyer, Morris, Prendergast,  Prescott, Prokhorov, Romey, Sachs, Santoli, Simpson, Tate,Vrettos, Tony Wright.

Excused:        Dardeau, Doran, Green, Hamilton, Heins, King, Kinniburgh, Lauderdale, Major, Porter, Robinson, Rowell, Teplick, Woodford, Tootie Wright.

Unexcused:    Allison, Carnahan, McNair, Pérez-Pineda , Pettyjohn, Phelan, Sherman.


1.  The meeting was called to order at 3:03 P.M. by Chair Tate.  Quorum present.

2.  Approval of Minutes:

3.  Chair’s Report:  Chair Tate summarized points from the written report which is available in its entirety online. Highlights are listed as below:


4.  Old Business:

The Faculty Senate Town Meetings are going well.  The first two were well attended with the third meeting for Wednesday evening (10/17) at MCOB.  The last meeting will be at UComm on Thursday (10/18).  When the meetings are all over, a synopsis of the proceedings will be posted on the Faculty Senate web site.

5.  New Business:

● The Policy & Handbook Committee formally introduced a memorial resolution honoring Mayer Mitchell for his many years of service and financial assistance to the University.  Steve Morris (A&S) moved to suspend the rules in order to vote on this resolution.  Isabel Brown (A&S) seconded the motion.  A unanimous vote passed the resolution.

● The Policy & Handbook Committee formally introduced the Non-Reappointment Resolution.  This is an effort to bring the USA Faculty Handbook up to date with current AAUP guidelines. The original USA Faculty Handbook was based upon the AAUP guidelines, but has not been updated in years. There was much discussion from the general caucus and Chair Tate asks that all senators go back to their departments and get some sense of what faculty thinks so that this resolution can be addressed at the November meeting.

6.  Committee Reports:

●Academic Development and Mentoring (Steve Morris): Working on a survey questionnaire about orientation, mentoring, and tenure/promotion guidelines.
●Environmental Quality (Susan Santoli): No report.
●Evaluation (Tom Johnsten): In the process of revising Faculty Survey questions.
●Planning and Development (John Sachs): An ad hoc University Club Committee (including Sachs, Doug Haywick, & Nicole Carr) has been formed and has already met with President Moulton and Wayne Davis regarding the proposed building by the builders of the Grove Apartments.  The proposed 5,000 sq. ft. building, with various types of rooms for gatherings will be for the use of the University faculty, administration, departments, colleges and staff.  There are several details that remain to be answered such as the cost to be a member and the management of the building.
●Policies and Faculty Handbook (Eric Loomis): They are continuing to look into tenure/promotion issues.
●Salary and Benefits (Jean Irion): No report.
●Technology Utilization (Jie Li): Technology Fair is Oct. 26.  There are vendors and a special presentation from Apple at the Terrace.  Faculty members who use technology in a creative way and willing to share that with others on campus are encouraged to participate.  Li distributed an update of the University’s ADA compliance status.  

7.  Caucus Leader Reports:

●Allied Health (Zari Aliabadi)- Along with his advisory council, the AHP Dean is looking to make the three colleges (AHP, MED, NURS) as uniform as possible.
●Arts and Sciences (Tony Wright)- No report.
●Continuing Education (Elliott Lauderdale)-  No report.  
●Computer and Information Sciences (Michael Doran): No report.
●Education (Leah Kinniburgh): No report.
●Engineering (Ali Engin): The tenure track faculty members are discussing tenure/promotion issues.
●Library (Amy Prendergast): No report.  
●Mitchell College of Business (Greg Prescott): The recent accreditation review was favorable.
●Medicine (Kevin Green): No report.
●Nursing (Karen Hamilton): No report.

8. Meeting adjourned at 4:25 P.M.


University of South Alabama  -  Faculty Senate -  Mobile, AL 36688-0002
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Last date changed: December 4, 2007

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