19 January, 1998

TO:                  University of South Alabama Faculty

FROM:            Suzanne McGill, Chair
Faculty Senate

SUBJECT:       Faculty Senate Resolutions

At the 14 January, 1998 meeting of the Faculty Senate the following two resolutions were unanimously approved.  These resolutions are similar to ones passed by some of the other four-year colleges and universities in the State.  I plan to send copies of these resolutions to each state legislator.  It is certainly in our best interest to generate as much support as possible for these resolutions.  If you have questions or ideas as to how we might build a strong case for increased State funding,  please let me know. (460-6325 or mcgill@mathstat.usouthal.edu)
[Note:  Dr. Bryce Evans, Chair of the Senior Faculty Caucus, asked me to include the memorandum from the Senior Faculty Caucus in this mailing.  Questions about it should be directed to him. (380-2612)]

Whereas, both the Teachers’ Retirement System (TRS) and Employees Retirement System (ERS) have experienced significant gains earned by the Retirement Systems of Alabama (RSA) investments and the conversion from “book value” to “market place value” of assets,
Whereas, these gains will result in a significant decrease in required contributions to the RSA for at least the next five years; and
Whereas, the retirement matching dollars for all state four-year institutions of higher education come from the budgets of the individual state institutions; and
Whereas, the State appropriation to the University of South Alabama was cut 7.5% in 1994 and has not been restored; and
Whereas, these cuts in funding have impeded the University’s ability to attract and retain outstanding faculty and have forced the University to leave faculty and staff positions unfilled and to decrease funding in such critical areas as the library, technology support, laboratory equipment, etc.; and
Whereas, the retirement matching dollars could be used to address problems created by the recent cutbacks.
Therefore be it resolved that: The Legislature of Alabama be advised of the absolute necessity of leaving in the budgets of individual state institutions all retirement matching dollars currently appropriated to these individual institutions.

Whereas, in recent years the State of Alabama has lacked adequate resources to properly fund higher education; and
Whereas, salaries of faculty at the University of South Alabama are below the average salaries of faculty at peer institutions in other states; and
Whereas, K-12 teachers, faculty and employees at two-year institutions of higher education, and other state employees will receive salary increases this year via State appropriations; and
Whereas, salary increases at the University of South Alabama and other four-year institutions of higher education are merit based.
Therefore be it resolved that: The Legislature of Alabama be advised to increase funding to the University of South Alabama to provide for salary increases comparable with the salary increases for teachers at two-year institutions and K-12.  Specifically, we request an 8.5%* salary pool increase for 1998.  Moreover, it is essential that the current retirement funds now in our budget be retained by the institution.

*Approximately 10.625 million dollars is needed to provide an 8.5% salary merit pool increase.  This represents a 15.2% increase in funding from the State.

University of South Alabama  -  Faculty Senate -  Mobile, AL 36688-0002
For comments or questions about our web site, please E-mail ap.
Last date changed: November 8, 2007
URL: http://www.southalabama.edu/fsenate/records/resolutions/teachersretirementsystem.html

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