RSS Overview

What is RSS?

RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. It's an easy way for website users to keep up with news and information. RSS feeds in the OU Campus CMS make it possible to create a Workflow that starts with content creation and editing, and ends with public notification of new content. RSS is a method to easily deliver content such as breaking news, emergencies, and events on campus. 

RSS feeds in the News Portal

The Main News page as well as the homepage all work through RSS feeds.  This setup allows the pr group to assign stories and dynamically control the placement of the news feeds on main university website as well as the press release site.  To dynamically control the location of the RSS items the RSS feed will need to be modified.  Specific instructions on how to edit the RSS items cam be found in the RSS examples in the main navigation of this training website. 

The RSS feeds used on the PR News Portal allow the content creators (PR News Group) to create stories and position them via RSS feeds to different locations on the university website. These positions include the University homepage- in the "Latest News" section and the "In the Spotlight" section, as well as the PR News Portal.

rss homepage location