USA College of Medicine M4 Year General Objectives

By the end of the year M4 senior students will be able to:

Medical Knowledge

1) Demonstrate medical knowledge integrated with clinical reasoning for the provision of patient care under supervision in the areas of health promotion, disease prevention and treatment.

2) Satisfy the capstone cognitive requirements for transition to residency including those related to leadership, medical jurisprudence, medical ethics, medical economics, healthcare financing, personal finance, translational research and wellness.

3) Explain the importance of integrating basic science concepts into clinical care including health promotion, disease prevention and treatment.

Patient Care

4) Apply clinical skills essential for the provision of patient care under supervision in the areas of health promotion, disease prevention and treatment.

5) Demonstrate clinical skills necessary for entering residency.

Practice Based Learning

6) Develop a career pathway leading into graduate medical education.

7) Execute an individualized course of study linked to the chosen career pathway created with the assistance of an advisor.

8) Self-reflect on the rationale for a career pathway selection considering career motivation, goals and expectations related to graduate medical education.

9) Describe the factors involved in the decision linked to choose a location to complete a graduate medical education program.

Interpersonal and Communication Skills

10) Establish collaborative and constructive professional relationships with patients.

11) Demonstrate effective utilization of the electronic medical record in patient care and disease management.

12) Discuss patient assessments and management plans effectively in oral and written formats.


13) Maintain professional behavior with patients, families, peers, faculty, other professionals and staff.

14) Reflect on exemplary professional behavior and potential professionalism lapses of self or others.

Systems Based Practice

15) Describe methods to effectively partner clinically and professionally with Interprofessional team members.

16) Describe the essential tools utilized in quality improvement.

17) Explain the elements of consultation etiquette for both the consultant and the consulter.