Our First 60 Years
Posted on December 11, 2023 by USA Marketing and Communications

Our 60th anniversary brings with it a redesigned South Magazine. The University is proud to collaborate with the USA National Alumni Association on this publication.
With dynamic photography and illustrations, along with approachable storytelling and a new look, South Magazine has been expanded to showcase the best of the University of South Alabama.
This edition takes a look back at our first six decades, and it also allows readers a whimsical glimpse into the future through the use of artificial intelligence. Spoiler alert: The University president in 15 years is, in fact, still a human.
Some of this year’s highlights are documented — increased enrollment, record fundraising, the acquisition of Providence Hospital and our 16th all-sports championship trophy, to name a few. You’ll learn more about our faculty research, alumni achievements and the students who will define our University for future generations.
Particularly touching is a story about a young girl whose spinal deformity is being treated by a provider team at USA Health Children’s & Women’s Hospital. Her journey involves help from some of our dedicated employees in facilities management, and it inspired engineering students to search for solutions to assist other children with spinal issues.
The effort is emblematic of who we are — an innovative and collaborative University that consistently punches above its weight to promote discovery, health and learning.
We’ve come a long way from our modest beginnings. Our history is relatively short, and there is still much of our story to be written. Our students, alumni, faculty, staff and supporters will be the authors of that biography, and I’m looking forward to seeing where we will go, together, as the Flagship of the Gulf Coast.
Jo Bonner