CME Accreditation
USA Office of CME works with internal and external departments, programs, and organizations to accredit and provide CME activities. All applications are reviewed by the Office of CME and then by a member of the CME Committee for completion and compliance with all criteria and standards. If at any time any criteria or Standards for Integrity and Independence are deemed to have been violated by the department, program, or organization sponsoring the activity, credit will be immediately pulled from the activity and there will not be a refund. We take accredited continuing education serious and we will not provide credit for education that is not based in established accepted peer reviewed science.
What Qualifies
USA Office of CME offers opportunities for different types of formats for education. We encourage creativity when designing an educational activity; however, some of the formats used during our activities are: live meetings or conferences, internet courses, enduring materials, regularly schedules series (grand rounds, M&M, case conferences), Journal club, and book club. What can you come up with?
CME Process
To work with USA Office of CME, you will want to ensure they are invited to all planning meetings. USA Office of CME will be involved in all aspects of the planning process. To plan an activity without the involvement of this office may result in denial of credit.
Fee Schedule
We work diligently to ensure that our fee schedule is one that does not cause a burden on those managing an activity. Our services we provide are some that you may not receive from other programs because we believe that an educational activity is not just about the planning process, but also about the implementation, evaluation, and wrap up. We will walk you through the entire process from beginning to end.