Hulya Kirkici
ProfessorElectrical and Computer Engineering
- B.S. Physics, Middle East Technical University, 1981
- M.S. Physics, Middle East Technical University, 1984
- Ph.D. Electrical Engineering, New York University, Poly School of Engineering, 1990
Academic Experience
- Professor and Chair, ECE Dept., University of South Alabama, July 2016 - present
- Professor, ECE Dept., Auburn University, 1992-2016
- Electrical insulation of aerospace and space power systems operating in subatmospheric conditions and using high frequency switching conversion.
- Pulsed power engineering and repetitive pulsed power systems to study breakdown characteristics of novel dielectrics, such as nano/micro-dielectrics and biodielectrics.
- Compact plasma switches and vacuum electronic device development using advanced materials, such as carbon nanotubes (CNTs).
- Nanosecond respective pulsed plasmas and temporally and spatially resolved electrical and optical diagnostics techniques to understand physical mechanisms, and laser application.
- Lasers /Lidar systems optical beam propagation / beam shaping systems design
- Yunus Bicen, Faruk Aras, and Hulya Kirkici, “Lifetime Estimation and Monitoring of Power Transformer Considering Annual Load Factors,” IEEE Transactions Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, Vol. 21, Issue 3, pp. 25-33, 2014 1.
- M.E. Baginski, H. Lu, B.T. Caudle, H. Kirkici, “Optimal Design of an N-Stage Nonlinear Transmission Line Based on Genetic Algorithm and LTspice,” IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Volume: 41 Issue: 8, Part: 3 Page(s): 2408 – 2414, 2013
- Chung-Nan Tsai and Hulya Kirkici, “Field Emission Characteristic of Selectively Grown Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs),” IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices, Vol. 60, pp 478-82, 2013
- H. Zhao and H. Kirkici, “Carbon Nanotube (CNT) triggered Pseudospark Switch,” IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol. 40, issue: 9, pp: 2225-2231, 2012
- Mert Serkan and Hulya Kirkici, “Reshaping a Divergent Elliptical Gaussian Laser Beam into a Circular, Collimated, and Uniform Beam with Aspherical Lens Design,” IEEE Sensors Journal, Volume 9, Issue 1, Page(s):36 – 44, Jan. 2009
- Kalyan Koppisetty and Hulya Kirkici; “Breakdown Characteristics of Helium and Nitrogen at kHz Frequency Range in Partial Vacuum for Point-to-Point Electrode Configuration,” IEEE Transactions Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, Vol. 15, pp. 749-55, June 2008
- Hulya Kirkici, Mert Serkan, Kalyan Koppisetty, “Nano/Micro Dielectric Surface Flashover in Partial Vacuum,” IEEE Transactions Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, Volume 14, Page(s):790 - 795 August 2007
- Wheeler G. Foshee, III, Hulya Kirkici, John Y. Hung, Eugene K. Blythe, Aditya Goel, and Glenn R. Wehtje, “Seedling Emergence of Smallflower Morning Glory and Green Foxtail Subjected to a Pulsed Electric Field,” International Journal of Vegetable Science, vol. 13, No: 1, pp 61-72, 2007
- IEEE Fellow, Class of 2017 (IEEE member since 1986)
- Member • American Physical Society (APS), since 1984
- Mobile Area Council of Engineers, IEEE Outstanding Engineers Award recipient, February 2017