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Brown, C. H. & Alipour, F. (2006) Is the squirrel monkey larynx lateralized biomechanically?
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Riede, T., & Brown, C.H. (2008). The functional morphology of the mammalian vocal
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Charles H. Brown, Michael Gordon, Michelle Becker & Fariborz Alipour. The case for
biomechanical lateralization in the squirrel monkey larynx. Presented before the XXII
Congress of the International Primatological Society. Edinburgh, Scotland, August,
Chandramouli Chandrasekaran, Hjalmar K. Turesson, Charles H. Brown & Asif A. Ghazanfar.
Beyond 1/f: natural acoustic scene analysis in primary auditory cortex. To be presented
at Computational and Systems Neuroscience 2009, Salt Lake, February, 2009.
Larry C. Christensen & Charles H. Brown. Academic Success, Student Retention, and
Educational Technology. To be presented at the South Eastern Psychological Association,
New Orleans, March, 2009.
Foster, J. D, Gordon, M. S, & Brown, C. H. (2009). Regulatory Focus and the "Goal
Looms Larger" Effect in Professional Baseball. Journal of Applied
Social Psychology (submitted).
Riede, T., & Brown, C.H. (2009). The functional morphology of the mammalian vocal
fold as a sound source. Biological Reviews (submitted).
Gordon, M.S., Kolbusz, M., & Brown, C.H. (2009). Hearing within rigid constraints:
Speech detection while wearing a football helmet. (In preparation).
Brown, C. H., Gordon, M.S., Becker, M., & Alipour, F. (2009). The case for
biomechanical lateralization in the squirrel monkey larynx. (In preparation).
Brown, C. H., Brown, A.L., Gordon, M. S., & Alipour, F. (2009). The biomechanics
of voicing in the owl monkey (Aotus trivirgatus). (In preparation).
Foster, J. D, Gordon, M. S, & Brown, C. H. (2010). Regulatory Focus and the "Goal
Looms Larger" Effect in Professional Baseball. Journal of Applied Social Psychology
Gordon, M.S., Brown, C.H., & Kolbusz, M. (2010). Hearing within rigid constraints:
Speech detection while wearing a football helmet. The Open Acoustics Journal, 3, 1-10.
Chandrasekaran, C., Turesson, H.K., Brown, C.H., & Ghazanfar, A.A. (2010).
Interactions between stimulus dynamics and network activity in the representation
of natural auditory scenes. Journal of Neuroscience. 30 (42): 13919-13931.
Brown, C.H. & Gordon, M.S. (2011). Motorcycle helmet noise and active noise reduction.
The Open Acoustics Journal, 4, 14-24.
Brown, C. H., Foster, J. D., & Gordon, M. S. (2011). Psychology: A Work in Progress.
Dubuque, IA: Great River Technologies.
Riede, T., & Brown, C.H. (2013). Body size, vocal fold length, and fundamental frequency
– Implications for mammalian vocal communication. Nova Acta Leopoldina N.F. 111 (380):