Dr. Shelley-Tremblay

Research Interests

Founder and Coordinator of Psychophysiology Laboratory. Electrophysiological investigation of language and cognitive processes. Event-Related Potentials. Language and Cognition. biological and attentional basis of reading disabilities. Molecular and Behavioral Neuroscience. Neuropsychological testing research and diagnosis. Psycholinguistics.

 Eye-Tracking Presentation SEPA 2017

*New Research Project!

The Brain in Love: Neurology of Intimate Behavior


The Brain in Love:

The Neurology of Intimate Behavior

Have you ever wondered what happens inside your body and mind when interacting with your spouse or partner? Psychologists in the University of South Alabama’s Department of Psychology are interested in exploring neurological processes and individuals’ perceptions of those processes as couples attempt to talk with one another about important issues in their relationship.  The information gathered during this study will be useful to couples in general and mental health and health professionals who work with couples.  We are inviting you and your partner to participate in our study.

As a participant you would be involved in several activities including questionnaires that ask about your background, measures that assess how your brain functions, and tasks that examine how you and your partner talk with one another.  You will be asked to talk about a pleasant activity you both enjoy and an important issue in your relationship. A variety of non-invasive instruments will be used to monitor how your body is reacting as you engage in these conversations.  The process is perceived as interesting by couples and can produce helpful insights regarding your relationship. Information gathered will be kept confidential.  .

All three investigators conducting the study are members of the faculty in the Department of Psychology at the University of South Alabama.  The study has been reviewed and approved by the Institutional Review Board at the University of South Alabama; that is, it meets all ethical guidelines and has been judged to meet current standards of appropriate scientific methodology.

For more information contact the study’s principal investigators, Dr. Harvey Joanning or  Dr. Jack Shelly-Tremblay. They are very fortunate to be assisted by Dr. Ben Hill, Licensed Clinical Neuropsychologist.  Dr. Joanning has 40 years’ experience conducting research, education, and therapy with couples.  He received the Outstanding Post-Graduate Research Contribution Award from the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy.   He is a licensed psychologist in Iowa and a licensed marriage and family therapist in Iowa and Alabama.  He currently lives in Fairhope.  Dr. Shelley-Tremblay is the director of Experimental Event-Related Potentials laboratory.  Dr. Hill has extensive experience in psychometrics, cognitive testing, and their relation to neurophysiology. 

Principal Investigator:  Harvey Joanning, Ph.D.

Contact Information:
Jack Shelley-Tremblay, Ph.D.
(251) 402-3886
(251) 460-6883

