Graduate Admissions

The Graduate School provides the student with opportunities for creative achievement and the advancement of knowledge. Graduate study fosters the spirit of independent investigation while creating an environment for free inquiry and intellectual challenge in advanced and specialized areas. Its emphasis upon scholarship, original thinking, and the practical application of knowledge to the solution of complex problems will enable the student to make a valuable contribution to society. All graduate work is administered by the Graduate School under the direction of the Graduate Dean who is advised by the Graduate Council.
The minimum requirement for admission to non-degree status is a bachelor's degree. Potential applicants should read the section on admissions in the Graduate Bulletin, and consult the appropriate Graduate Director or Coordinator listed in this site for each program's individual admission requirements.
Applications and Graduate Bulletins are available from the Admissions website, or the Director of Admissions, Meisler Hall, Suite 2500, University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL 36688-0002. Telephone (251) 460-6141 or (800) 872-5247.
International students should contact the Office of International Services, Meisler Hall, Suite 2200, University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL 36688-0002. Telephone (251) 460-6050. You can also visit the International Admissions website.
For further information on specific graduate programs, their deadlines, and the graduate application portal, check out the Graduate Admissions page.
Graduate Interdisciplinary Programs
Masters of Science in Environmental Toxicology
The graduate school offers an interdisciplinary graduate program leading to the degree of Masters of Science in Environmental Toxicology. This program is open to graduates in Biology, Biomedical Sciences, Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering and other areas with the appropriate prerequisites. Please visit the Master of Science in Environmental Toxicology webpage for more information about this program.
Doctor of Philosophy in Clinical and Counseling Psychology
The Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Clinical and Counseling Psychology (CCP) is offered as a collaborative effort between the Department of Psychology in the College of Arts and Sciences and the Department of Counseling and Instructional Services in the College of Education and Professional Studies. This program prepares professionals to provide the most effective types of psychological care for individuals and communities. Please visit the Doctor of Philosophy in Clinical and Counseling Psychology webpage for more information about this program.
Information concerning assistantships and fellowships may be obtained from the college or department concerned. A complete graduate assistantship application includes three letters of recommendation along with the graduate assistantship application. Provisionally admitted students may be considered for a graduate assistantship/fellowship with certain requirements.
Opportunities Are Endless When Your Efforts Are Focused.
The University of South Alabama provides equal educational opportunities to and is open and accessible to all qualified students without regard to race, color, creed, national origin, sex, veteran status or qualified handicap/disability, with respect to all of its programs and activities.