Mythical Exaltation

Posted on February 2, 2023 by Terry Colton
Terry Colton

In my empty place of belonging,
I call you out– it is an appetite of longing.

I beg and tear at the will that is my soul. 
Oh, to be next to you in your masculine silhouette. My heart is resonating sounds;
A contempt soul in need of your presence.

You come to me upon the hour,
The hour we exist inside–
Only you know where I truly dwell,
The infinite space of my labyrinth mind.

I hear the clatter of steps as you walk on stone,
Your golden hooves gleam;
They contest the might of waning moonlight–
They blind the convictions of this shell of belief that is I.

Your Horns, so eviscerating and jagged, Are my comfort from conscious woes. They are your arsenal,
And mine, stability.

Your body, in all beast-like facets,
Is my amalgamation of lustful desires. You come upon me closer,
My exaltation growing, like wild nature.

Your breath is of beast and benevolence. I succumb to every panting of air.
It fills my body to rightful content.
An undying, enigmatical static pleasure.

You stand before me, 
In all your awe.
How is one as young and old as pages of history can make us,
A god like no other?

I am like the Matador, you the bull.
We dance our dance in tradition and beauty.
With whirl of capes and thrash of flesh,
You are destined to me.

The appetite of my longing will be forever sated.
My soul is etched with minotauromachy;
Cascaded by the shadows of my infinite labyrinth mind.

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