Jag Card Frequently Asked Questions

What does the Jag Card cost?
- Undergraduate/Graduate traditional students pay for their initial Jag Card as part of their entering fees.
- Online students do not pay for their initial Jag Card as a part of their entering fees. They must pay $15 by cash or check when receiving their initial Jag Card.
- Replacing a lost or stolen Jag Card costs $15.
- Replacing a damaged Jag Card costs $10. (You must turn in the damaged card or it will be treated like a lost or stolen card)
What should I do if my Jag Card is lost or stolen?
If your Jag Card is lost or stolen, go to the GET Funds website to report your card
lost or stolen. You must register on GET Funds before you can use the website.
You may also contact the Jag Card office to have it deactivated at (251)460-6077. If you should find your card at a later date, please note that only your newest card will be active.
When I replace my Jag Card will everything work immediately?
In the case of any replacement Jag Card, the card number is changed. Most services,
such as the meal plans and the Jag Cash, are managed in the Jag Card system, and will
continue to work without interruption. However, door access to some residence halls
may be affected. You may need to go by USA Housing to have it changed in their system.
How do I add money to my Jag Card?
You can add Dining Dollars though the Dining Services.