Dept Bylaws


  1. Purpose
  2. Members
  3. Officers
  4. Meetings
  5. Committees
  6. Faculty Recruitment
  7. Reappointment/Tenure of Tenure-Track Faculty
  8. Reappointment of Non-Tenure-Track Faculty
  9. Promotion
  10. Evaluation and Merit
  11. Amendment
  12. Authority
  13. Enabling Clause

Article I. Purpose

The purpose of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of South Alabama (hereinafter referred to as the Department) is to provide high quality instruction in mathematics and statistics and to encourage the professional growth of its faculty through study, research, and consulting.

Article II. Members

Section 1.

Membership in the Department consists of all full- and part-time faculty in the Department.

Section 2.

The voting membership of the Department consists of all tenured and tenure-track faculty in the Department in addition to full-time continuing non-tenure-track faculty.

Article III. Officers

Section 1.

The role, responsibilities, and evaluation of department chairs are described in the Faculty Handbook. More specific stipulations pertaining to the Department Chair are provided in this document.

Section 2.

The Assistant to the Department Chair is appointed by the Department Chair from the voting membership of the Department. With the aid of input from the faculty, the Department Chair assesses the performance of the Assistant to the Department Chair once every three years. The Assistant to the Department Chair acts as the Department Chair in the absence of the Department Chair. Other responsibilities of the Assistant to the Department Chair are primarily in the areas of class scheduling, registration, and supervision of part-time faculty.

Section 3.

The Graduate Coordinator of the Department is appointed by the Department Chair from the graduate faculty of the Department. With the aid of input from the faculty the Department Chair assesses the performance of the Graduate Coordinator once every three years. The Graduate Coordinator is the Chair of the Department Graduate Committee and the Department representative on the Graduate Arts and Sciences Planning Committee. The Graduate Coordinator is responsible for recruitment, advising, and work assignments of graduate students. The Graduate Coordinator advises the Department Chair on awarding assistantships and other graduate program matters. The Graduate Coordinator recommends committee memberships and handles all matters related to comprehensive examinations and theses.

Article IV. Meetings

Section 1.

Meetings are called by the Department Chair. The Department meets a minimum of once in each of the fall and spring semesters. Upon written request of four voting members of the Department, the Chair is required to call a departmental meeting in a timely fashion. All meetings are conducted according to Robert's Rules of Order except when specifically superseded by these bylaws.

Section 2.

A quorum for an official meeting of the Department consists of two-thirds of the voting membership.

Section 3.

The agenda for each departmental meeting is disseminated in an appropriate manner to all members of the Department at least three working days prior to the meeting. Very special circumstances may necessitate suspension of these practices, but every effort should be made to give sufficient notice.

Section 4.

The Department Chair or designated substitute (usually the Assistant to the Department Chair) presides at departmental meetings.

Section 5.

The minutes are distributed within 5 working days after the meeting. All members of the Department, the Dean of Arts and Sciences, the Associate Dean of Arts and Sciences, the Vice President for Academic Affairs, and the Dean of Graduate Studies receive copies.

Section 6.

Every effort should be made to prepare motions for the departmental meetings in a timely fashion so that they may be properly deliberated. In order to pass, motions must be approved by a two-thirds majority of those voting. (Abstentions are not counted as votes.) Voting members who are unable to attend may submit absentee votes to any voting member prior to the meeting.

Section 7.

On those occasions when the Department Chair does not support an approved motion of the Department, the Department Chair notifies the voting membership no later than one week after the approval of the motion.

Article V. Committees

Section 1.

The purpose of the following committee structure is to further insure that the Department has ample opportunities to discuss important issues and deal with them efficiently. Ad hoc committees may be appointed by the Department Chair as the need arises.

Section 2.

Although membership of the following committees is limited, all meetings, except those dealing with personnel or student record issues, are open to all voting members of the Department. At least 24 hours notice of each meeting is disseminated in an appropriate manner to all voting members of the Department.

Section 3.

The Department Chair endeavors to see that the committee workload is equitably distributed. Committee membership should include representation from relevant constituencies as much as possible. No person can serve as Chair of more than one of the Advisory, Curriculum and Student Affairs Committees.

Section 4.

The Advisory Committee of the Department consists of three tenured faculty members. The three members are elected to staggered 3-year terms. The member serving the last year of a term serves as Chair of the Advisory Committee. Replacements for vacancies are elected by the voting membership during the spring semester of the prior year. No member may be immediately re-elected. Although not eligible to serve on the Advisory Committee, the Department Chair regularly attends the meetings.

  1. The Advisory Committee works to establish the long-range goals of the Department as well as annual objectives to be undertaken in striving to make progress toward the long-range goals. Such matters as recommending strategy for recruiting new or replacement faculty positions fall under the purview of this Committee.
  2. The Advisory Committee advises the Department Chair on such matters as budget preparation, equipment needs, scheduling, teaching assignments and other topics deemed necessary by the Department Chair. The committee assists the Department Chair with devising, administering, and interpreting instruments that may be needed to insure adequate information is available upon which to base faculty evaluations. The Committee, upon request of the Department Chair, assists in evaluating an individual faculty member. (It is understood that the faculty member being evaluated has ample opportunity to submit any information that may be pertinent to the evaluation.) While these matters are the responsibility of the Department Chair, this forum is a means of more fully informing the Department Chair and the faculty of pertinent facts.
  3. The Advisory Committee, with input from the faculty, conducts an evaluation of the Department Chair every fourth year of the Chair's appointment.

Section 5.

The Curriculum Committee consists of five members selected from the voting membership of the Department. Four of the members are appointed for one-year terms by the Department Chair early in the fall semester and the Committee Chair is elected by the previous year's committee from its membership. The Curriculum Committee routinely and rigorously examines the undergraduate degree program, undergraduate minors, undergraduate syllabi and texts, and the sequencing of course offerings. Specific tasks such as text selections or syllabi may be made by ad hoc committees appointed by the Department Chair. Normally, curriculum changes and catalog revisions come to the department faculty via the Curriculum Committee.

Section 6.

The Graduate Committee consists of four members of the graduate faculty selected from the voting membership of the Department. Three of the members are appointed for one-year terms by the Department Chair early in the fall semester. The Graduate Coordinator serves as Chair of the Graduate Committee. The Graduate Committee routinely and rigorously examines the graduate degree program, graduate syllabi and texts, and the sequencing of course offerings making recommendations for improvement. Normally, graduate curriculum changes and catalog revisions come to the department faculty via the Graduate Committee. The Graduate Committee assists the Graduate Coordinator in other matters related to the graduate program.

Section 7.

The Assessment Committee consists of four faculty selected from the voting membership of the department. The members are appointed for one-year terms by the Department Chair early in the fall semester and the Committee Chair is elected by the previous year's committee from its membership. A member of each of the Curriculum and Graduate Committees should be among the four members of the Assessment Committee. The Assessment Committee periodically reviews learning objectives and goals in educational programs, particularly core courses, and recommends changes to the Department. The Assessment Committee develops, maintains, and implements on a regular basis methods designed to measure student progress toward completion of learning objectives and goals of department programs. The Assessment Committee identifies and reports to the Department areas that according to assessment need improvement.

Section 8.

The Undergraduate Academic Standards Committee and Graduate Academic Standards Committee are constituted and function in accordance with the provisions of the Faculty Handbook.

Section 9.

The Student Affairs Committee consists of four faculty selected from the voting membership of the department and a student representative. The Committee Chair is elected from the previous year's faculty members and the other four members are appointed for one-year terms by the Department Chair. The Student Affairs Committee is responsible for recommending students for departmental scholarships and for administering student competitions. It also coordinates departmental recruiting efforts in the local high schools and regional universities as well as the activities associated with Get Acquainted Day, Campus Fair presentations, Mathematics Awareness Month, and participation in national competitions. A designated faculty member of the Committee serves as sponsor for the Math/Stat club.

Section 10.

The Library Committee consists of a mathematician and a statistician selected from the voting membership of the Department. Each member is appointed to a renewable 3-year term by the Department Chair. It is the responsibility of the two committee members to monitor their respective collections and to take the lead in formulating policies and recommendations concerning the library. The Library Committee issues reports to the Department at least annually, and seeks recommendations from the faculty for purchases when funds are available.

Section 11.

The Department Chair appoints other committees annually as needed to accommodate the needs of the Department. The colloquium committee and the technology committee are typical such examples.

Article VI. Faculty Recruitment

Section 1.

The University faculty recruitment policy and the responsibilities of the Department Chair in the process are enunciated in the Faculty Handbook. The role of the Advisory Committee in faculty recruitment is discussed in Article V, Section 4.A.

Section 2.

Faculty recruitment strategy recommendations from the Department Chair and the Advisory Committee are presented as a motion at a departmental meeting. Except in cases of extreme urgency a screening committee, selected from the voting membership of the Department, is appointed by the Department Chair to screen and recommend a slate of candidates for departmental consideration. The recommendations of the screening committee are discussed and voted on by the voting membership of the Department.

Article VII. Reappointment/Tenure of Tenure-Track Faculty

Section 1.

The University tenure policy, procedures, and criteria are enunciated in the Faculty Handbook. The College statement of procedures and criteria for tenure and promotion is available in the Dean's office.

Section 2.

The Department Tenure Committee consists of all tenured faculty members except the Department Chair.

Section 3.

For each candidate other than the Department Chair the Tenure Committee formulates a recommendation to the Department Chair concerning non-reappointment or reappointment, issuance of a terminal or continuing contract, or awarding or denying tenure. Recommendations concerning the Department Chair are forwarded by the Tenure Committee directly to the Dean of Arts and Sciences. Absent members may submit voting instructions to any committee member.

Section 4.

For each candidate, a three-member subcommittee of the Tenure Committee is selected to investigate on behalf of the Tenure Committee. When the candidate is not the Department Chair, one member (the chair of the subcommittee) is selected by the Tenure Committee, one member is selected by the candidate, and the third member is appointed by the Department Chair. When the candidate is the Department Chair, two members (one of which is the chair of the subcommittee) are selected by the Tenure Committee, and the third member is selected by the Department Chair.

Section 5.

It is the responsibility of each subcommittee to review any supporting documentation of the candidate. The subcommittee then drafts a recommendation for the Tenure Committee. The subcommittee may, at its discretion, consult with the candidate concerning the manner of presentation of any supporting documentation.

Section 6.

The Tenure Committee will select a chair to preside over Tenure Committee meetings. This may be one of the subcommittee chairs. The Tenure Committee recommendation is forwarded to the Department Chair, unless the Chair is under consideration, in which case it is forwarded directly to the Dean of Arts and Sciences.

Section 7.

Included with the recommendation of the Tenure Committee in cases involving non-tenured faculty is an assessment of areas of strength and/or weakness. If the faculty member being considered is not a candidate for tenure, the candidate is informed by the Department Chair of the committee's decision and its recommended actions.

Section 8.

Within one week of receipt of the recommendations from the Tenure Committee, the Department Chair informs the Tenure Committee of the recommendations being sent to the Dean in each case. The recommendation of the Tenure Committee in each case accompanies the recommendation of the Department Chair.

Article VIII. Reappointment of Non-Tenure-Track Faculty

Section 1.

The Non-Tenure-Track Reappointment Committee consists of all tenured faculty members of the Department.

Section 2.

The Non-Tenure-Track Reappointment Committee formulates a recommendation to the Department Chair in each case concerning non-reappointment or reappointment and issuance of a terminal or continuing contract. Absent members may submit voting instructions to any committee member.

Section 3.

For each case a subcommittee of the Non-Tenure-Track Reappointment Committee is selected to investigate on behalf of the Committee. Each subcommittee consists of three members: a chair selected by the Committee, a member selected by the candidate being considered, and a member selected by the Department Chair.

Section 4.

It is the responsibility of each subcommittee to review any supporting documentation of the candidate. The subcommittee then drafts a recommendation for the Non-Tenure-Track Reappointment Committee. The subcommittee may, at its discretion, consult with the candidate concerning the manner of presentation of any supporting documentation.

Section 5.

The Non-Tenure-Track Reappointment Committee recommendations are forwarded to the Department Chair. The candidate is informed by the Department Chair of the committee's decision and its recommended actions.

Section 6.

Within one week of receipt of the recommendations from the Non-Tenure-Track Reappointment Committee, the Department Chair informs the Committee of the recommendations being sent to the Dean in each case. The recommendation of the Committee, in each case, accompanies the recommendation of the Department Chair.

Section 7.

After receiving four annual reappointments, the Non-Tenure-Track Reappointment Committee may elect to make the reappointment recommendation valid for three years.

Article IX. Promotion

Section 1.

The University promotion policy, procedures, and criteria are enunciated in the Faculty Handbook. The College statement of procedures and criteria for tenure and promotion is available in the Dean's office.

Section 2.

While recommendations concerning promotion of faculty members formally originate with the Department Chair, promotion committees in the Department advise the Department Chair.

Section 3.

The Promotion Committee in any specific case consists of all members of the department at, or above, the rank to which the candidate aspires, excepting the department chair.

Section 4.

The appropriate promotion committee formulates a recommendation to the Department Chair in each case. Absent members may submit voting instructions to any committee member.

Section 5.

An investigating subcommittee is appointed and functions in each case in a manner analogous to that specified in Article VII, Sections 4 and 5.

Section 6.

The Promotion Committee will select a chair to preside over Promotion Committee meetings. One person may serve as chair of both the Tenure Committee and the Promotion Committee. The Promotion Committee recommendation is forwarded to the Department Chair, unless the Chair is under consideration, in which case it is forwarded directly to the Dean of Arts and Sciences.

Section 7.

Except as stipulated in Section 6, the promotion committees forwards recommendations to the Department Chair.

Section 8.

Within one week of receipt of a recommendation from a promotion committee, the Department Chair informs the committee of the recommendation being sent to the Dean in each case. The recommendation of the committee in each case accompanies the recommendation of the Department Chair. Before these recommendations are sent to the Dean, the candidate is informed of their conclusions by the Department Chair. It is the responsibility of the Department Chair to submit all appropriate supporting documents in a timely manner

Article X. Evaluation and Merit

Section 1.

The purpose of this evaluation and merit system is to establish a means of providing greater rewards to those faculty members who make greater contributions to achieving the goals of the Department.

Section 2.

The standard evaluation weights are given in the Faculty Handbook. However, individual faculty members negotiate with the Department Chair the weights to be applied in their evaluations. The results of this negotiation must be approved by the Dean of Arts and Sciences.

Section 3.

In conjunction with the negotiations specified in the preceding section, the teaching workload may also be negotiated. The standard academic year teaching load is 24 contact hours.

Section 4.

Evaluations are carried out, in accordance with University policy, by the Department Chair with advice from the Advisory Committee as requested. If requested, the Department Chair provides a detailed explanation of the evaluation to the faculty member.

Section 5.

These departmental evaluations form a basis for the merit recommendations of the Department Chair.

Article XI. Amendment

These bylaws can be amended at any regular meeting of the Department if approved by at least two-thirds of the voting members of the Department, provided that the amendment has been submitted in writing at the previous regular meeting.

Article XII. Authority

In any case where these bylaws conflict with a policy of a unit with broader authority which includes the Department, the policy of broader authority takes precedence.

Article XIII. Enabling Clause

These bylaws shall be established in force after adoption at a departmental meeting called for that purpose and subsequent approval by the Dean of Arts and Sciences and the Vice President for Academic Affairs.