Architectural Photograph Sources at The McCall Library

The Bienville Hotel, c. 1935. Erik Overbey Collection.
The McCall Library's photographic collections are listed alphabetically in this guide. The name of the collection may be that of a person, business, organization, institution, location, subject, or donor.
For more information about these collections please email us at
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CROOM, STEPHENS G. (93-07-262)
Includes 73 black and white photographs (5 x 7) of homes and other structures made
by the Mader Studio of Mobile for the Historic American Buildings Survey; 25 black
and white photos showing the development of Dauphin Island during the 1950s; 11 of
Fort Morgan circa 1920; 7 of Battleship Park; 4 of Mardi Gras in Bienville Square
in the 1950s; and 211 color slides relating to USS Alabama (BB-60) and Battleship
FROOM, ROY (02-04-395)
This collection is made up of 324 photographs (8 x 10 and 11 x 14), most black and
white, of buildings designed by an architectural firm with which Froom was employed.
The images date from 1947 to the mid-1960s and show various local schools and businesses.
No negatives are available but there is an inventory of the images.
GOULD, ELIZABETH B. (89-09-207)
This collection is made up of over 1,000 slides (35mm) illustrating Mobile's architectural
heritage and made by architectural historian Elizabeth Gould. The slides are well
identified and organized principally by architectural styles. The collection also
includes 35mm black and white negatives made by Gould to illustrate her 1988 book
From Fort to Port: An Architectural History of Mobile, Alabama, 1711-1918 (1988)
This collection consists of 739 color slides (35mm) of over 300 historic sites in
Alabama taken by Larry Hamilton (a few commercial slides are included). The slides
are well identified and an inventory is available. There are restrictions on the commercial
use of material in this collection.
Dating from the 1930s, the 111 black and white nitrate negatives in this collection
were taken of structures in and around Mobile as part of the Historic American Buildings
Survey, a plan developed by the National Park Service’s Heritage Documentation Programs.
The negatives depict building exteriors and architectural detail. Most of them duplicate
those in the HABS collection at the Library of Congress. Most of the negatives have
been printed and cataloged.
LOTT, VIRGINIA (04-08-417)
Contains 1 color and 3 black and white photographs (8 x 10), as well as 24 color images
(3 1/2 x 4) of the inside and outside of the 1958 Mobile County Courthouse, and 1
black and white photograph (8 x 10) of the 1888 courthouse. There are also 15 black
and white miscellaneous photographs (8 x 10) of commission functions, 7 historic postcards
of the Mobile area, 8 black and white images (8 x 10) of county commissioner Coy Smith
and/or his family, and 1 color photograph (3 1/2 x 5) of the donor, Virginia Lott.
There are no negatives, but a guide to the collection is available.
MARX, JULIUS E. (85-03-116)
Contains approximately 10,000 black and white negatives and prints of various sizes
made between 1927 and 1985 of Mobile properties which were rented or sold by Marx
Realty, one of the city's oldest real estate businesses. It is particularly useful
to architectural researchers since buildings can be located by block and lot number.
Photographs made of the same location over many years also document the changes that
occurred to structures and entire neighborhoods. Most structures photographed are
also described as regards size, condition, and price on file cards which accompany
the pictures. Six thousand of the best images have been digitized and are available
for viewing on site.
This larger collection actually consists of four smaller donations. The first, donated
in 1990, consists of photographs made in the 1960s for the Mobile Housing Board of
buildings before their demolition for the widening of Water and Beauregard streets
and the construction of the Texas and Orange Grove housing projects. Images of the
buildings, now demolished, are filed alphabetically by street address. There are no
negatives and the prints are small (3 x 5). The second donation, given in 1991, is
made up of carbon copies of appraisals done in various years. Around 20 of them were
done as part of the Big Creek Lake project. Black and white photographs of the appraised
structures are usually included. The third donation, given in 1992 consists of 10
architectural drawings on linen of the Chickasaw business district done in 1919-1920
by William H. March. Among other structures, the drawings show a drug store, a bakery,
and a barbershop. The last donation, given in 2009, contains approximately 35,000
black and white negatives and slides (primarily 35mm) of structures in Mobile's seven
historic districts, as well as buildings on the Eastern Shore and other areas including
Axis, Chastang, and Mount Vernon. Most of the negatives have accompanying contact
MOBILE HOUSING BOARD (80-03-41, 01-03-380, 01-12, 372)
Three separate donations form this larger collection. The first donation, made in
1980, consists of 220 rolls of film (120mm, instamatic, and 35mm) taken by unidentified
Mobile Housing Board photographers. Subjects include housing projects, meetings, and
other activities of the board during the 1950s and 1960s. Some of the 2,533 negatives
are identified, but no prints have been made. The second donation, given in 2000,
is made up of 605 slides (mostly color) of community development / urban renewal projects,
most from the 1970s and 1980s. The last donation, made in 2001, contains approximately
1,600 black and white negatives (35mm) and a few slides of houses in the West Church
Street and DeTonti Square areas of the city. The negatives are not dated but the slides
were made in 1977. The negatives are arranged alphabetically and numerically by street
ROGERS, GEORGE B. (94-07-289)
This collection consists of 93 black and white photographs (8 x 10) of buildings designed
or renovated by Mobile architect George B. Rogers (1869-1945). The photographs were
made by the Overbey Studio in Mobile, and Tebbes & Knell of New York, and represent
a portion of Rogers's portfolio. An inventory is available.
THOMPSON, PAUL (97-03-332)
Consists of 773 black and white negatives (120mm and 35mm) and 185 photographs (8
x 10) most likely taken in the 1980s and 1990s of buildings in Mobile, Demopolis,
Eufaula, New Orleans, Vicksburg, and other cities. There are contact sheets for all
of the negatives. Most of them were made by Thompson and used to help illustrate a
book by Elizabeth B. Gould, From Builders to Architects: The Hobart-Hutchisson Six(1997).