Website Use Policy
The aftermath of the 1919 fire that destroyed 40 blocks of downtown Mobile. Erik Overbey
Following are the policies and procedures for the use of images from The Doy Leale
McCall Rare Book and Manuscript Library on second-party websites.
1.Send via regular mail or by email a written request that includes the following information:
a. The URL of the website that will host our image(s).
b. The name, address, telephone number, and email address of the website owner(s).
c. The negative number(s) of the images to be used, or, if negative number unknown,
a description of the image(s) to be used.
2.The user must agree to the following:
a. To pay a use fee if, in the estimation of The Doy Leale McCall Rare Book and Manuscript Library, the image is to be posted to a commercial website. That fee will be based on the number of images to be used but will in no case be less than $25.00 per image.
b. To credit The Doy Leale McCall Rare Book and Manuscript Library for the image(s)
and provide a link to our website from the host website.
c. Sign this agreement as a binding instrument and send it to The McCall Library
via regular mail at The Doy Leale McCall Rare Book and Manuscript Library, University
of South Alabama, 5901 USA Drive North, Suite 300, Mobile AL 36688-0002 or by email
We will provide the image as a 72 ppi .jpg, as well as the credit information, and
caption, if so desired. The display of a caption for the image is optional. The credit
line is not. The Doy Leale McCall Rare Book and Manuscript Library reserves the right
to request removal of our image(s) should we determine that the proper credit line
has not been used or that a referral link to us has not been posted with the image(s).
I agree to abide by the rules listed above.
Signed ____________________________________________
Print Name ________________________________________
Address ___________________________________________
Phone _____________________________________________
Email ______________________________________________
Witnessed _________________________________________
Date ______________________________________________