Nadia Bush
Nadia Bush has been teaching for over 20 years and been recognized for her commitment to the teaching profession, advocacy for students, and love of the public relations industry. As a senior instructor in the department, she teaches courses in strategic communication, public relations, advertising, visual communication, and basic communication courses.
Bush was selected as one of USA’s 50 Outstanding Faculty, an award to honor 50 faculty from across the 50-year history of the university in 2013. She also was the recipient of the Southern Public Relations Federation Educator of the Year Award and the Public Relations Association of Mississippi Educator of the Year Award. Additionally, the USA Alumni Association awarded her the Beth and Don Davis Excellence in Advising Award.
In the department, Bush serves as chair of the department’s Scholarships, Awards and Donations Committee, co-chair of Publications and Website, chair of the department’s annual Communication Career Day, and is the liaison for the department’s Baldwin County Campus where she manages the public relations and communication curriculum.
She holds a bachelor of arts degree in communication with a major in public relations and a master of arts in corporate and public communication, both from South Alabama. Bush is ABD in the School of Mass Communication and Journalism at The University of Southern Mississippi where she also was employed as a public relations specialist in the university’s public relations department.
Prior to USM, she was director of human resources and communications for Enhanced Care Solutions, an ancillary services company providing services in occupational, physical and speech therapy and consulting services in a variety of rehabilitation settings to facilities in five states. She also was an instructor of communication at Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College and assisted in the Institutional Relations Department as an editor, writer and admissions specialist.
Academic Conference Presentations
Bush, N. (2007, March). Social and political immigration issues. Paper presented at the meeting of the 2007 Southern States Communication Association Conference. Louisville, KY.
Bush, N. (2007, March). Exploring the phenomena of leadership in public relations. Paper presented at 10th Annual Interdisciplinary Public Relations Research Conference. Miami, FL.
Bush, N. (2003, March). Measuring the impact of effective communication on corporate culture. Paper presented at 6th Annual Interdisciplinary Public Relations Research Conference. Miami, FL.
Bush, N., & Narro, A. (2005, March). Roles of public relations practitioners in crisis communications. Paper presented at the 8th Annual Interdisciplinary Public Relations Research Conference. Miami, FL.
Bush, N. & Sparks, M. (2011, March). Peer evaluations: Listen and learn. Great Ideas for Teaching Speech presented at the 81st Southern States Communication Association, "Traditions, Trends, and Technology." Little Rock, AK.
Bush, N., & Terry, H. (2004, March). Social responsibility in a gas and oil corporation located on the Gulf Coast. Paper presented at the 7th Annual Interdisciplinary Public Relations Research Conference. Miami, FL
For more publications by Ms. Bush, please see her CV.
- CA 100 Introduction to Communication
- CA 101 Introduction to Media
- CA 110 Public Speaking
- CA 200 Survey of Communication Theory
- CA 211 Interpersonal Communication
- CA 221 Principles of Advertising
- CA 224 Introduction to Strategic Communication
- CA 260 Digital Writing and Production
- CA 271 Strategic Publication Design*
- CA 275 Small Group Discussion
- CA 286 Principles of Public Relations
- CA 324 Strategic Writing
- CA 325 Applied Communication Workshop
- CA 326 PR and Nonprofit Fundraising*
- CA 371 Branding & Visual Messages*
- CA 390 Public Relations in Business & Entrepreneurship*
- CA 471 Professional and Creative Portfolio Development*
- CA 478 Advertising Campaigns II
- CA 485 Cases in Strategic Communication
- CA 486 Public Relations Campaigns
- CA 486 Strategic Campaigns
*Created course
For more courses taught by Ms. Bush, please visit her CV.