Gregoricka Wins NSF Grant

Lesley Gregoricka, associate professor of anthropology and co-director, Forensic Science Program, has received a National Science Foundation grant. This award will support her latest project, entitled "REU Site: Bioarchaeology of Bronze Age Social Systems."

The Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program supports active research participation by undergraduate students in any of the areas of research funded by the National Science Foundation. REU projects involve students in meaningful ways in ongoing research programs or in research projects specifically designed for the REU program.                 

Gregoricka, who researches and curates skeletal material, made history with two of her students during a research trip to the Arabian Gulf in 2017. For only the second time in the United Arab Emirates’ history, ancient bones have been loaned to an American university, and this time it is for a long-term anthropological study at the University of South Alabama.

South students Shaunna Goetz and Antonia Carter, both were junior anthropology majors at the time, accompanied Gregoricka as research assistants. Rounding out the team was Dr. Jaime Ullinger, a long-time professional colleague of Gregoricka’s from Quinnipiac University and co-director on the project, and two of her female students.

Gregoricka was a REU Fellow in 2004 as an undergraduate with the University of Notre Dame's Biocultural Anthropology REU program, and it was a formative experience that directed her research interests and confirmed her commitment to pursue a MA and PhD in anthropology. “I continue to collaborate with those affiliated with that program,” she said.  

“This is really going to be a long-term project. I'm thrilled to have received the NSF-REU grant, and am looking forward to training a new generation of bioarchaeologists using the human skeletal remains housed at USA,” she said.

This program provides educational opportunities for undergraduate students and provides indirect funding to participate in research.  

Gregoricka's award began in March and ends in February 2022.