Richard Hillyer
Richard Hillyer | Professor Specializes in Renaissance literature and poetry. HUMB 278 | 460-6539 | |
Four Augustan Science Poets: Abraham Cowley, James Thomson, Henry Brooke, Erasmus
Darwin. Anthem Impact, 2020. |
Auden's Syllabic Verse. Lexington Books, 2019. |
Divided between Carelessness and Care: A Cultural History. Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. |
Sir Philip Sidney, Cultural Icon. Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. |
Hobbes and His Poetic Contemporaries: Cultural Transmission in Early Modern England.
Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. |
- "Let Me Weigh the Counts: Auden's Horatian Syllabics." Versification 5, 2010: 11-26.
- "Hobbes and Sex." Hobbes Studies 22, 2009: 29-48.
- "Hobbes's Explicated Fables and the Legacy of the Ancients." Philosophy and Literature 28 (2), 2004: 269-83.
- "Keith Thomas's 'Definitive Refutation' of C.B. Macpherson: Revisiting 'The Social Origins of Hobbes's Political Thought.'" Hobbes Studies 15, 2002: 32-44.
- "Edmund Waller's Sacred Poems." SEL 39 (1), 1999: 155-69.
- "Some Current Publications." Restoration 15 (2), 1991: 111-37.
- "In More than Name Only: Jonson's 'To Sir Horace Vere.'" The Modern Language Review 85 (1), 1990: 1-11.
- "Better Read than Dead: Waller's 'Of English Verse.'" Restoration 14 (1), 1990: 33-43.
- "Authorization and the Royal Society." ANQ 23 (1), 2010: 31-33.