When Curiosity Leads to a Career – A South Success Story from Glenda Snodgrass

Posted on September 15, 2020 by Keith Lynn
Keith Lynn

“How does that work?!” has always been a driving force in my life. From the Commodore 64 and Lanier Word Processor, to deconstructing appliances, changing my own spark plugs and oil in my car, to my very first work PC with two floppy drives (who remembers those?!?), technology has always been of interest to me.

As the role of technology in my life has evolved over time, in a wide variety of jobs, one constant is that I have always found myself teaching others how to use their computers. When I joined the Mobile Area Free Net in 1995, I toured Mobile organizations with a talk: “What is the Internet and How Does it Work?” Working at MAFN, I started to appreciate the power (and potential danger) of widespread Internet access to homes and businesses, and a year later, I left to form my own company, The Net Effect, LLC.

Information security has been the company’s focus from the beginning, and teaching security awareness has been one of my primary roles. Over the past decade, my teaching has expanded to include public speaking at professional conferences, corporate/executive training and hosting my own workshops. Thanks to COVID-19, I’m now hosting work(from home)shops on a regular basis.

Technology is a powerful force in our lives, and I believe it is critical for people to understand “How does that work?” – Particularly when it comes to new technology such as “smart” devices. It is difficult, if not impossible, to understand and manage the risks in using technology without this knowledge.

I would encourage everyone who understands technology, to make an effort to share that knowledge with others. One of my greatest joys is watching the facial expressions of people in an audience who suddenly “get it” – but public speaking isn’t for everyone, and it isn’t the only way to educate. Simply sharing tips at the office, at lunch with colleagues, over drinks with friends or dinner with extended family – there are many ways to share your knowledge of, and passion for, technology in a way that will make a positive impact. Go forth and share your knowledge!"

Glenda R. Snodgrass is a 1986 history graduate from the University of South Alabama, and received her maîtrise from Université de Paris I - Panthéon-Sorbonne in Paris, France in 1989. She is an active member of InfraGard and a 2018 graduate of the FBI Citizens' Academy.

Glenda currently serves as President of the Gulf Coast Industrial Security Awareness Council and is a member of the Board of Directors of the Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce and a steering committee member for the Gulf Coast Technology Council. A frequent contributor to Tripwire's The State of Security blog and Business View magazine, she also provides expert witness testimony in technology-related court cases.

Glenda’s interest in technology, her entrepreneurial spirit and her questioning of “how does that work” led her to start her own business in 1996.  She currently serves as President, lead consultant and project manager at The Net Effect where she is engaged in cyber security training, threat analysis and mitigation for commercial, nonprofit and governmental organizations.

In addition to conducting security-related workshops and corporate training and delivering cyber security defense presentations at professional conferences and conventions, she spends time drafting network security procedures and developing employee security awareness training programs for clients. She has been a sought-after public speaker and corporate trainer for more than twenty years.

Glenda’s story is a wonderful example of USA alumnae who have pursued their interests in technology and turned their passion for problem solving into a viable and vital business.  The School of Computing concurs with Glenda’s charge and encourages students and fellow alumni to continue sharing their knowledge of technology with others in their workplaces and communities to make a positive impact.

For more information, visit The Net Effect.

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