Parting Words: 5 questions with residents and fellows

Posted on August 8, 2022 by Carol McPhail
Carol McPhail

Graduating residents and fellows shared parting words as they finished their training at USA Health. data-lightbox='featured'
Graduating residents and fellows shared parting words as they finished their training at USA Health.Download larger image

We asked graduating residents and fellows who trained at USA Health five key questions as they prepare to move to the next chapter in their careers.


1. What are you looking forward to the most in the next chapter of your career?

“Continuing to learn and grow as a physician.”

“To become a well-rounded breast pathologist and, with my knowledge, help patients!”

“Being able to make a difference in patients’ care by applying the skills and knowledge I acquired.”

“Learning and doing more of what I love!”

“Helping people heal to improve their quality of life.”

“Getting to live together with my husband, start fellowship.”

“I am looking forward to building long-lasting relationships with my patients and continuing to learn from my new partners.”

“My fellowship in Washington, D.C. I’m also very excited about coming back to USA after my fellowship.”


2. What will you miss the most?

“The people I’ve grown close to.”

“The staff!”

“Supportive faculty and being able to teach the residents.”

“The weather.”

“Friendships made during my residency.”

“Faculty support and discussions on patient cases.”

“All the staff at USA and the OB-GYN faculty.”

“My co-residents.”


3. What are your most memorable moments?

“The time spent with my co-residents.”

“The potlucks and the interaction with people from all over the world.”

“Post-call discussions.”

“Cooking in the lounge on night shift.”

“Taco Tuesdays, game nights with co-residents.”

“The teaching moment around the microscope.”

“Night shifts.”

“COVID was a damper.”

“The long hours in labor/delivery building friendships, my first robotic hysterectomy, and all the fun times hanging out after work.”

“The camaraderie among residents.”


4. Who has had the most impact on you during your training here?

“My mentor and program director Dr. (Luke) Engeriser.”

“All of my faculty during training.”

“Dr. (Bassam) Omar.”

“Chance Dickson, Matthew Pickich.”

“Dr. Ramachandra Bhat, my mentor during my residency program. He helped tremendously with my career.”

“Dr. Judy Blair.”

“I’ve definitely learned a lot and have picked up tendencies from every generalist OB/GYN and GYN onc attending. They have made me a better surgeon, and I will always hear their voices in my head while operating.”

“Dr. Prasit Nimit is a big reason why I chose pediatric orthopaedics as my specialty.”


5. Any words of advice for incoming residents/fellows?

“Take full advantage of your time, be active in your program, find committees that interest you, and find different ways to contribute.”

“Start studying on day one!”

“Do not forget to enjoy the little moments in your daily life.”

“Don’t panic. Even the greatest had to start where you are standing. Persistence is the key.”

“Stay true to yourself. Your emotional wellness is as important as everything else.”

“Trust the system.”

“Stay calm.”

“Take time to know your co-residents.”

“Be a duck. Appear calm above the surface to patients. Keep your feet moving as fast as they can underwater to get where you need to go, and learn everything along the way. Most of all, let the water roll off your back, and just keep going.”

“Work hard. Prepare for your cases. Take care of yourself.”


Any additional comments?

“I will miss the warmth and camaraderie of all the ones who became my family!”

“There are opportunities for those looking for them, and this program proved that.”

“The ride is short and rocky at times, but the destination is amazing.”


Thank you to Mohamed Jasser, M.D. (psychiatry); Sara Avalos Hernandez, M.D. (pathology); Nida Ahmed, M.D. (pulmonary and critical care); Nilarun Chowdhuri, M.D. (cardiovascular); Jeffrey Farrington, M.D., (internal medicine); Dhakshitha Peddisetty, M.D. (pediatrics); Shawn Liu, M.D. (pathology); Sriharsha Rallapalle, M.D. (pediatrics); Tatenda Mudyanadzo, M.D. (internal medicine); Ashley Easterwood, M.D. (OB-GYN); and Will Cutchen, M.D. (orthopaedics) for supplying answers.

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